Dr. Mark Tesseyman

Mark Tesseyman

Name:  Mark

Occupation: Board Certified Orthodontist

Nickname: N/A

Pets: Weiner dog, two bossy cats

Pet Peeves: Tardiness

Favourite sport & team: Basketball, Raptors

Favourite TV show or movie: Succession

Favourite singer/group: 80’s/90’s music

If I wasn’t working in the Dental field I would most likely be: Unemployed

Favourite Colour:  Blue

Favourite Food: Asian/Japanese (Sushi Pizza)

Least favourite food: Conch

On my Bucket List: See Japan

How many countries have you been to: Around a dozen

Year you started working with West Five Smile & Tesseyman Orthodontics: Right from the beginning

If you could have dinner with anyone famous who would it be: Michael Jordan

Favourite Elastic colour for braces: Dusky blue

Have you ever had Orthodontic work done: Yes!  Full head gear.

Finish this sentence, “I could not live without…”:  My beautiful family and incredible staff

Coffee or Tea: Coffee, coffee, coffee