
Melissa – Certified Dental Assistant

Melissa Certified Dental Assistant

Name:  Melissa 

Occupation: Certified Dental Assistant 

Nickname: none

Pets: Leo, Yorkiepoo

Pet Peeves: noise

Favourite sport & team: London Knights

Favourite TV show or movie: Greys Anatomy 

Favourite singer/group: Rod Stewart

If I wasn’t working in the Dental field I would most likely be: private investigator 

Favourite Colour: blue

Favourite Food: sweets

Least favourite food: macaroni 

On my Bucket List: trip to Greece

How many countries have you been to: 6

Year you started working with West Five Smile & Tesseyman Orthodontics: 2008

If you could have dinner with anyone famous who would it be: Oprah

Favourite Elastic colour for braces: pink

Have you ever had Orthodontic work done: no

Finish this sentence, “I could not live without…”: Sweets

Coffee or Tea: coffee